Sabtu, 03 April 2010

all about MCR

Jeff's picture

MTV Musical March Madness – MCR vs. MUSE

MCR is on to the next round in MTV’s Musical March Madness against MUSE. Voting is open until Sunday, April 4th at 10 p.m., and in this round you won’t be able to see the percentages until the voting is over. Get your vote on now – CLICK HERE.

Jeff's picture

MCR Easter Egg Hunt

Easter is right around the corner, and let's face it, everyone likes the thrill of the hunt. With that in mind we present the 2010 MCR Easter Egg hunt. Dig around the site looking for the four MCR easter eggs (1 red, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 green). Once you find an egg, click on it and you'll be able to enter your name and email address. The person who finds all 4 of the eggs first will win signed a pack of signed MCR posters. You must be registered and logged in to the site, or you won't be able to see the eggs.

We'll announce the winner as soon as all of the eggs are found. Happy hunting!

Ray's picture

Hello Earth People!

Hey everybody, long time no post! Hope you guys are doing well. Been crazy busy in the studio the past month, working long hours and writing great music. Taking a few days off this holiday weekend, so thought I'd take the chance to give a quick update on some happenings in MCR world. First, a heartfelt thanks for voting for us in the MTV March Madness thing they have going on. Even after being away for a bit, it feels really good to know you are all still with us, ready to strike when called to arms! I'm not sure what it all means, but its always fun to win stuff, so keep voting! I once won $25 on a scratch off lotto ticket, and I can guarantee winning the MTV thing will feel at least 3 times as good as that... Got a new shot of Frank's up as well. Somehow, while shredding the guitar, tending to his family in Jersey, and looking dashing, Frank finds time to take great photos of us while we're tracking. This shot features Doug, our engineer extraordinaire. I would say he's a great dude, but he's been shredding me in Words With Friends! So while he may be good as his job, he is an utter bastard... Speaking of Frank's photos, the first 2 lithos in what will hopefully be an ongoing series go up for sale next week. Be ready and waiting to click the link as soon as its put up, I have a feeling they're going to sell out quick... Tomorrow, we're going to start a run of contests here. It begins with the first annual MCR Easter Egg Hunt. One of my favorite things to do each year is to paint eggs with my wife. Last year we painted up some Transformer themed eggs, so I'll be sure to put up a pic of what we do. So in that spirit, there will be four eggs hidden throughout the site. Find them, click them, enter your username and you'll get the credit and I think win a poster. Watson will have more detailed instructions up soon... Lastly, I will take a quick second to announce my unending obsession with the upcoming iPad. We all know I love gadgets. I probably love gadgets more than air. It will be awaiting on my doorstep Saturday, so after I put it through its paces, I'll put up my thoughts. Thanks for the time, talk to you all soon! Ray

Mikey's picture

Update from Mikey

Greetings Friends!

It's been an awfully long time since last we spoke, and I apologize. To make it up to you, I have many exciting things to share. You have all been so patient, and for that we are eternally grateful.

First things first, here are some new studio shots from our own ace photographer (and soon to be dad!), Frank Iero. We have reached a very exciting final phase of recording and are counting down the seconds to when we can finally share it with you. The album has a name and a voice, although I can't let that rabbit out of the hat just yet. I wish it were humanly possible for us to sit down with all of you and crank up those speakers on launch day.

The newest songs that we have written changed my perception of what a My Chemical Romance song can do. It pushes every envelope and blurs every single line more than anything we have ever done. I am also excited to finally announce that in the very near future, there will be an official home for the MCRMY on the web. We have all gotten a chance to field test the website, and not only is it major fun, but it's also kind of addictive.

In the next few weeks we are also going to start running a series of contests that will be a ton of fun for all of us. I know I have a one or two shirts with my name on them that could use a new home to give up for prizing.

Last but not least, In the newest issue of SPIN magazine, there's an amazing article/cover featuring our fearless leader (and my big
brother) Gerard Way. Iggy has been one of our heroes and inspirations throughout our career and the article is a joy to read.

There are gonna be a great many changes coming to over the next few weeks/months. One day you will wake up, and nothing will ever be the same again, but it'll feel like an old friend. We love you guys more than you'll ever know. Let's talk again soon.


Frank's picture

An update from the studio

Hello Friends,

Are you finally ready for some good news? Let me hear you say, "Eh, OK but make it quick".

Well my darlings, as I sit down to write to you, we are in the studio working on a brand new song. Ray's laying down some guitar tracks and I must admit, it's kicking my brain in the pants. I can't wait for you guys to hear this stuff, the songs we ended up writing this past month are so far advanced from where I thought this record would end up, it's not even funny.

Let's put it this way... say you had a time machine, and used said time machine to go back in time 1 year, found me, and played me some of the songs we just wrote. I would absolutely say, "you're a liar, and a full blown crazy person"... partly because the technology of a time machine doesn't really exist, but mostly because these new songs are light years ahead of our creative head space last year.

What a journey this has been, arduous at times, but always resulting in the band reaching new heights. Which is how it should be with a band that is never satisfied with just "good enough"...if it doesn't change the game, it isn't My Chemical Romance. You as fans shouldn't expect anything less. It feels as though everything we've ever done has been leading up to this moment. Like our entire lives have been a drill preparing us to stumble upon what Gerard has been referring to as "the new shit god-dammit."

So lets get down to it, with these new songs, or "the new shit god-dammit", plus the songs we've written over the past year, we basically have enough material for about 2.5 records now. However, we feel this past month has raised the creative bar so high that only the best of the best can live in harmony on the new record. But who knows...down the line, some of the songs we wrote over the past year that don't make this record could possibly surface again as b-sides or fun movie soundtrack stuff. I think it would be kinda rad at some point to have you all hear the songs that led us to our new found creative enlightenment. Either way, I just wanted to keep you all posted and let you know the record is coming along swimmingly, and we're working hard on making it the best we possibly can... can't wait to wrap it up and give it to you.

OK, good news part 2 of 3: I don't know if you knew this, but I like taking photos, and I've been taking quite a few pictures over the past months, trying my best to document the recording process. Some of which came out really good, and I'm pretty proud of. Recently, we've decided to take a few of these photos and share them with you in a really cool way. The past few days I've been staying up very late hand stamping, numbering and signing a set of 6 very limited art prints that will go up for sale on this site in the near future. The art prints will be released 2 per month for 3 months and are limited to 200 each. In the meantime, 2 new pics are up now and we will be posting new shots that aren't included within the print set in the photo section every week. So keep checking the site for the release of these prints and the posting of new photos from the My Chem inner sanctum.

Last, but certainly not least, I am proud to announce the addition of two new members to the MCR extended family. Recently, my wife and I found out we will be having twins later on this summer. I cannot express in words how happy this makes us, it seems everything's turning up Milhouse. I just can't wait to meet the little ones, and may God have mercy on the world now that there will be 2 more Ieros wreaking havoc on the earth.

Until next time friends, let us drink to peace, love, and never taking any shit off anybody.


Jeff's picture

Gerard Way on the cover of SPIN's 25th Anniversary Issue

Check out SPIN's 25th Anniversary Cover with Gerard Way.

Frank's picture

One chapter ends and another begins...

Hello Friends,

Recently it seems as though every time we write to you guys we have bad news, and we apologize for that, but we've learned in life you can't have the sweet without the sour. As a band we have been very fortunate over the years that our sweet times have greatly outweighed the sour ones, and a great deal of that is owed to you, the fans. Which is why we wanted this news to come from us and not some bullshit gossip site.

As of 4 weeks ago, My Chemical Romance and Bob Bryar parted ways. This was a painful decision for all of us to make and was not taken lightly. We wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors and expect you all to do the same.

We also wanted to give you all a quick heads up on how the record is progressing. We have been writing some very powerful new songs so this week the four of us entered the studio once again, and what has been ending up on tape each night is some of the most exciting and honest work we have ever created.

Jeff's picture

Chile Quake

To everyone in Chile, our thoughts are with you. If you'd like to help Chile, you can donate to the Red Cross HERE.

Jeff's picture

Fan created playlist #1 - Amanda F.

Thanks to everyone for submitting their dream My Chemical Romance playlists. If you haven't created yours yet, post it as a comment HERE. This weeks fan playlist comes from Amanda F., and is in the MCR Myspace player now. Keep checking back every week to see if your playlist has been chosen.

Amanda's Playlist:
1. It's Not a Fashion Statement, It's a Deathwish
2. Heaven Help Us
3. Cubicles
4. To The End
5. Welcome to The Black Parade
6. My Way Home Is Through You
7. Teenagers
8. Demolition Lovers
9. Skylines and Turnstiles

Jeff's picture

Get The Black Parade Deluxe Edition at iTunes

The deluxe edition of The Black Parade is now available at iTunes - just click here to get it. The deluxe edition contains the original songs plus 3 b-sides AND a 40-minute video for the making of The Black Parade video.

Jeff's picture

Fan made MCR Myspace Playlists

Everybody has their own list of favorite MCR songs, now’s the time to share yours. Every week we’ll pick new playlists created by fans and change the My Chemical Romance Myspace player to feature the songs you’ve chosen. Want to submit your dream playlist? Here’s how:

1. Visit the My Chemical Romance Myspace page

2. Choose your 5 to 10 favorite My Chemical Romance songs that you want to see in the Myspace player

3. Post your list as a comment to this blog

4. Check back each week to see if your playlist was chosen and to listen to the new one

Each week when we post the new playlist, the name of the fan who created the playlist will be posted as well.

Frank's picture

A message from Frank

Hello Friends,

I got some good news and I got some bad news....while in the studio recently, Gerard started having some problems with his voice. At first we weren't too concerned about it and thought it would pass, as these things usually do, but the longer it went on the more worried we all got so he went to see the doctor. The good news is he's getting the best treatment possible and is going to make a full recovery, trust me we couldn't be more relieved. The bad news is it's not gonna go away overnight and we have to do what we hate doing most, cancel shows.

When we started this band all we ever wanted to do was write songs that meant something to us and play them live for as many people as we possibly could, and now in our old age all we want is exactly the same thing... and thats why canceling shows kills us so much, playing for people is what we live for. Your off-time applause, your beautiful dirty faces, your raw energy, and your wretched little voices singing our lyrics back to us fuel our fire, you make us feel alive, and we love every single one of you for that.

So know that as excited as you guys were to see us, we were even more excited to see you. But in order to make sure that we can continue to create music and play it live for all of you for a long time to come we need to give G the time he needs to heal.

We are incredibly sorry for bumming anyone out by canceling, and we hope you find it in your hearts to understand. We promise we will be back in Australia to make it up to you guys/gals as soon as possible. We miss you.

Until we meet again, xofrank

P.S. Please send all angry letters to:

Gerard Way's Throat
666 Coffee and Cigarettes Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90069

Please visit for further information.

Jeff's picture

Signed Posters Contest Winner

Congrats to the winner of The Black Parade signed posters, BeniDaBrute.

Thanks to everyone who entered the contest, make sure to keep an eye on for more contests coming up very soon.

Remember the full body 24x36 inch promotional posters from The Black Parade? Right now, is giving away a full set, one of each band member, to one lucky registered member. One more thing – all of the posters are signed by the band members.

Here’s how to enter the contest:

1. Register Here for if you haven't already. (Use a real email address or we won’t be able to contact you if you win.)
2. Post a comment to this news post explaining in three sentences or less why you want to win the contest.

On February 4th, we’ll pick the winner at random and announce it on the site so make sure you check back.

Good luck.

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